
Jim Reid

James Morgan Reid, our Chief Technical Adviser for the TVET programme in Montenegro, died August 30 at his apartment in Podgorica,
He was 64.

After a long and distinguished career in the UK civil service, Jim went onto consultancy. With over 16 years of senior experience in developing TVET policies, programmes and new institutions based on partnerships between Industry and Government, Jim mastered his subject as no other, and boasted outstanding strategic and analytical capabilities, combined with excellent inter personal communication skills.
His reputation as a dedicated and patient professional took him on a long and interesting journey through a variety of assignments, starting in the UK and moving on through Kosovo, Serbia, Namibia and Egypt, with different donors.

In a previous long term mission to Namibia for LuxDev, James Reid was the Technical Adviser in a project assisting with establishing the Namibia Training Authority NTA (in charge of developing its Standards, Assessment and Certification Council and the Industrial Skills Committees). Nicknamed « Uncle Jim », he helped his national counterparts and colleagues to put the NTA on the national map. 

He took up his recent assignment in Podgorica with dedication, enthusiasm and leadership, aiming at getting results, as he always did.
A gentleman with Oklahoma cowboy boots, we will remember his flair and keen British sense of humour.

He leaves a wife and a daughter behind.

Rest in peace, dear friend and colleague.

Condolences and Tributes:

“We are still very shocked here. We are also devastated; Jim was a lovely, lovely man who led his team with great wisdom and humour. We really will miss him.”
Patricia Reid and the bereaved team MNE/011, Montenegro

“Our thoughts are with Jim's family and friends, and with the ones he worked with. We send hereby our sincere condolences. We will miss Jim.”
Herman Sonneveld and team KSV/015, Kosovo

“"We meet upon the level and we part upon the square". Rest in peace, dear friend. The Oklahoma skies will be sad today.”
Alexis HOYAUX, Sectorial Expert: Vocational Training, LuxDev HQ, Luxembourg

“We offer our sincere condolences to Jim's family, friends and team.”
Paul Henri Bourlon and team KSV/016, Kosovo

“Que la terre te soit légère, Jim”
François Bary, Expertise and Quality Director, LuxDev HQ, Luxembourg

“My sincere condolences to Jim's family.”
Guenther Meyer and team VIE/023, Viet Nam

“Very sad to hear about Jim Reid's premature death. Jim and I met during the training week early June and talked extensively on quality issues. Please extend my condolences to his family.”
Han Kok and team NIC/025

“Svp de transmettre nos sincères condoléances à la famille de Jim de la part de l'équipe du Projet CVE/071”
Eusebio Mora and team CVE/071 PAPNEFP, Capo Verde

“Au nom des collègues du bureau regional de Luxdev de Managua, merci de transmettre nos sincères condoléances à la famille de Jim.”
Pascal Rossignol
Regional Representative Nicaragua/El Salvador

“We all at KSV/014 are so sorry to hear of sudden death of Jim. Our prayers and thoughts are with him and with those he left behind. With sincere condolences,”
Aferdita and KSV/014 team, Kosovo

“Paix à son âme; Amen”
Moussa NOUGUEM and team MLI/020, Mali

“Desde el NIC/018 Managua nos solidarizarse con la familia y amigos y nos unimos a las condolencias”
Mikel Valcarcel and NIC/018 team, Nicaragua

“We, team in MON/005 in Mongolia, are expressing our sincere condolences to Jim Reid's family.”
D. Mungunchimeg MD
National Project Coordinator
Cardiovascular centre, MCH and e-Health expansion
MON/005 Project, Mongolia

“My sincere condolences to Jim's family.”
Henri Guillaume
Director of Operations, LuxDev HQ, Luxembourg

“Nos sincères condoléances à la famille de Jim de la part de toute l’équipe du Projet NIG/019 A-PDDE.
Même si nous ne connaissions pas Jim, nous souhaitons nous associer à la peine de ses parents, amis, collègues”
Thierry Py and NIG/019 Team, Niger

“My most sincere thoughts to Jim's family.”
Nathalie Levy,
Geographical Adviser - Vietnam, LuxDev HQ, Luxembourg

“Le Bureau régional de Dakar s'associe aux condoléances qui seront exprimées à la famille de M. Reid.”
Regional Representative, Mali/Sénégal

“Que son âme repose en paix. Merci de transmettre nos pensées à ses proches.
Abdourhamane I MAIGA and team MLI/18, Mali

“May Jim rest in peace. My deepest sympathies go out to his family and friends”
Administration Assistant - Balkans, Luxdev HQ, Luxembourg

“Nous n'avons pas eu le plaisir de connaître Jim Reid, mais toute l'équipe du programme Mali se joint à moi pour te demander de transmettre nos sincères condoléances à sa famille.”
Michel Cadalen, Coordinateur Général, Programme de Coopération Mali-Luxembourg , Mali

“Toutes les équipes au Burkina et au Niger s'associent également à la famille de Jim pour surmonter cette terrible épreuve.”
Quentin Bourdeaux, Regional Representative, Burkina Faso/Niger.

“I am truly saddened by the loss of Jim, he was a great guy and we worked well with him and the project staff knew him passionately as Uncle Jim. Please pass all our condolences to his wife and daughter, he will be truly missed.”
Chipo Chirefu-Toto, Ex LuxDev Liaison Officer, Namibia

“Sad news. Another one gone to heaven.
Regional Representative, Vietnam and Laos

“Nous sommes peu de choses sur cette terre... Merci de transmettre aux proches de Jim toute notre sympathie.”
Jean-Luc Camillieri and team KSV/010, Kosovo

“May Jim rest in peace...”
Darko Milutin and team, SRB/013: NoWiP, Novi Pazar, Serbia

“My sincere condolences to Jim's family and friends.”
Christopher Marck, Head of Department, Purchasing Procedures and Contracts, LuxDev HQ, Luxembourg

“Mes sincères condoléances à sa famille”
Céléstin Radison and team RWA/022

“My sincere condolences to Jim's family and to him ...Bon voyage ...”
Sandrine Thinnes, Geographical Adviser – Vietnam, LuxDev HQ, Luxembourg

“Nos plus sincères condoléance á la famille de Jim de la part de toute l’équipe du Projet NIC/024-«Route du Café».”
Joël Astruc and team NIC/024, Nicaragua


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